• Question: why do siberian lynx cats have a tuft on the top of their ears?

    Asked by bensunderland to Charlotte, Jo, Kevin, Louise, Valeria on 19 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Kevin Mahon

      Kevin Mahon answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      What a cool animal!

      We don’t know definitively yet their purpose but there are one or two strong theories. Some researchers believe that the purpose of those hair tufts is to aid their tactile sense, like whiskers to feel things around them, while others think maybe the tufts help the cat to hear well. Some even think that it is a sexual characteristic that females select for – i.e. males with bigger tufts are more fit and better partners. Nothing conclusive yet though!

    • Photo: Joanna Cruden

      Joanna Cruden answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      It may help them hear better, they are not the only cat to have them either
