• Question: where do dolphins live? Is it in a particular sea or can they be found in many seas?

    Asked by niamhgreene10 to Charlotte, Jo, Kevin, Louise, Valeria on 16 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Joanna Cruden

      Joanna Cruden answered on 16 Jun 2012:

      I have found this answer for you:

      Quite a wide distribution but seem to be like me prefer the water to be warm!

      . Bottlenose dolphins inhabit temperate and tropical waters throughout the world.

      2. In the Pacific Ocean, bottlenose dolphins are found from northern Japan and California to Australia and Chile. They are also found offshore in the eastern tropical Pacific as far west as teh Hawaiian islands. Off the California coast bottlenose dolphins have been observed as far north as Monterey, particularly during years of unusual warmth (Wells, et al., 1990).

      3. In the Atlantic Ocean, bottlenose dolphins are found from Nova Scotia and Norway to Patagonia and the tip of South Africa. They are the most abundant dolphin species along the United States from Cape Cod through the Gulf of Mexico.

      4. Bottlenose dolphins are also found in the Mediterranean Sea, and in the Indian Ocean from Australia to South Africa

    • Photo: Valeria Senigaglia

      Valeria Senigaglia answered on 18 Jun 2012:

      There are many species of dolphins, some of them have a small home range while others like bottlenose dolphins can live basically everywhere.
      Overall dolphins can be found everywhere, even in rivers!
