• Question: Hypothetically speaking, would dolphins actually be able to take over the world, like in the Simpsons? I mean, would they be smart enough to, if they could live out of water? Also, if they could take over the world, would they have a better society than humans, without discrimination and stuff? And would all species of dolphins e smart enougn, or just bottlenoses? I know its a really wierd question, but I'm really curious about it :)

    Asked by iamthellamaking to Valeria, Kevin on 19 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Kevin Mahon

      Kevin Mahon answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      I think our technology and opposable thumbs would win out in the end! No reason we shouldn’t be prepared for the likes of Snorky should it ever happen!

    • Photo: Valeria Senigaglia

      Valeria Senigaglia answered on 20 Jun 2012:

      All species of dolphins are smart as in capable of complex behaviours. In the hypothesis that they will take over the world I am not sure they will have a better society than ours.
      Differently from what is shown in movies, bottlenose dolphins are very aggressive with each other and with other species, for example they rape females and kill calves of other species. I don’t want to picture them as evil but among dolphins are considered one of the most aggressive species.
