• Question: Do you think the human race deserves to be wiped out? If you think about how many types of animals have been made extinct because of humans. But on the other hand animals like cats dogs cows chickens and horses have all been spread all across the world because of living with people. Also humans are the only animal that might be able to do something about a comet hitting the earth or other Natural disasters

    Asked by seas122 to Charlotte, Jo, Kevin, Louise, Valeria on 19 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Kevin Mahon

      Kevin Mahon answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      I think there was an Ecologist who used a theoretical model to show how the world would have most of its environmental problems taken care of if we were all to just dissapear. As a human however, I’m obviously opposed to being wiped out.

      Humans have definately had a tremendously negative impact on other species there is simply no denying it. Even our most noble works with animals, such as successful reintroductions and creating santuraries and safe havens for species are all as a result of previous negative human impact. The whole science of animal welfare is an attempt to negate the damage we do to animals. We are also responsible for a mass wave of extinciton which we are on the verge of, not exactly something to be proud of!

      As far as animals being spread across the world, I’m not sure we can judge them like that – these species didn’t exist before human intervention, we made these species in essence through domestication, and for the purposes of eating/companionship.

      So I think the negatives outweigh the positivies in terms of our impact, however that does not detract from the amazing work animal welfare scientists and normal people working with animals do every day.

      Perhaps if a comet comes we’ll be able to prove our worth to other species 😉

    • Photo: Joanna Cruden

      Joanna Cruden answered on 19 Jun 2012:

      No because it is not every person in the human race who causes these problems, it would be like killing all dogs because some bite. We have to look forward and do the best we can to help the animals and our planet but some of the changes are down to nature. Depending on the comet would depend on whether we could do anything about it. The best thing to do is to enjoy every minute you are on this planet because life is pretty amazing and fantastic when you think about it.
