• Question: Do you think it is right for elephants, or any animals to work in the circus, and be cooped up in cages?

    Asked by bethy203 to Charlotte, Jo, Kevin, Louise, Valeria on 18 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Kevin Mahon

      Kevin Mahon answered on 18 Jun 2012:

      No – I think the circus keeping animals serves no purpose and is a blemish on this countries otherwise amazing animal welfare reputation! Although the number of animals kept in circuses has dramtically decreased here it is shockingly common elsewhere in the world. Zoos serve a purpose to a point – circuses have time and time proven themselves uncapable of providing for the animals they keep!

    • Photo: Joanna Cruden

      Joanna Cruden answered on 18 Jun 2012:

      I disagree with wild (or even captive bred) animals like elephants being used in a circus, whereas the domesticated animals like horses and dogs (providing they are properly cared for) I am not sure there is a difference between some circus tricks and agility training for a dog, and dressage for a horse however no tiger, lions and other animals.

      Circuses have a bad reputation for animal care and I don’t think there are many left in this country that have animals which is a good thing really.

      Regarding being cooped up in cages if this is the only life the animal has known and the cage is large enough to include furniture which meets the needs of the animal then I think that is acceptable. Many of our domesticated and bred in captive ‘wild’ animals would find survival outside of a cage environment harder. However I strongly believe animal’s born in the wild should stay in the wild and safari parks are better habitats for captive animals than Zoo’s.
