• Question: Do you enjoy working with a range of animals, does help with your research?

    Asked by larissaj22 to Jo on 14 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Joanna Cruden

      Joanna Cruden answered on 14 Jun 2012:

      Yes I do, it always amazes me of how different animals are, even mice who are genetically matched and are meant to be the same are very different. It helps with my research because I can compare different species and I find all animals so amazing, working with so many different species is a pleasure and privilege although it may seem very difficult to understand when it is in a laboratory and the main reason they are here is for research, I have been blessed with a role where I can help give the animals a more enriched life by my research, which in the past has included, frogs, mice, rats, dogs and ferrets.

      More recently my main focus is on the rabbit. If I only worked with one species I think I would enjoy it but always hanker for a wider variety, it makes me feel like I am making a bigger difference to a wider group of animals rather than just one group, I hope that makes sense!
