• Question: do dolphins have ears

    Asked by shannon002 to Charlotte, Jo, Kevin, Louise, Valeria on 17 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Joanna Cruden

      Joanna Cruden answered on 17 Jun 2012:

      Yes they do but they don’t have the outside part we do, if you look at them you will see the little holes where their ear are

    • Photo: Valeria Senigaglia

      Valeria Senigaglia answered on 18 Jun 2012:

      Joanna is right, they have tiny holes on the side of their heads.
      However they use their jaws as a sounding board to amplify the sounds and divert it towards the inner ears, located at the end of the jaw. If you touch your chin and with your fingers follow all the jaw up you will notice it ends where you have the ears!
      There is also a very cool game to do so that you can experience “hearing” like a dolphin. Let me know if you want more informations on it.
