• Question: could you create a replica of an animal as a robot, which does the same things and acts just like that animal?

    Asked by kgriffiths31 to Jo, Kevin, Louise, Valeria on 20 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Kevin Mahon

      Kevin Mahon answered on 20 Jun 2012:

      Like in bladerunner!

      Not yet – but we are constantly making more sophisticated AI’s and more streamlined robotic bodies. They actually replicated a mouses brain virtually a while back – but the computers and harware needed to process the data was the size of a building! So we’re a way off that just yet.

      In the meantime, we can make do with Furbies!

    • Photo: Valeria Senigaglia

      Valeria Senigaglia answered on 20 Jun 2012:

      Well they make a dinosaur that is really advanced and respond to your voice, you need to feed him and so on…I think is called Pleo dino bot.

    • Photo: Joanna Cruden

      Joanna Cruden answered on 20 Jun 2012:

      Isn’t there a toy dog that is lifelike, I am sure my niece got one for her birthday. It will be here someday I am sure but it will never as cuddly as a real animal, though cheaper to look after!
