• Question: Are dolphins similar to humans?

    Asked by sofoconnor to Valeria, Charlotte, Jo, Kevin, Louise on 17 Jun 2012. This question was also asked by ciara2219, oona12.
    • Photo: Joanna Cruden

      Joanna Cruden answered on 17 Jun 2012:

      I have had a look and there is plenty of evidence online to suggest they have large complex brains like us and a self awareness as well as ‘speak’ to each other so it looks like it is highly likely they do and all the more reason they should not be kept in captivity but left in the wild.

      Although I don’t know much about dolphins I have always thought that they (and whales) are very intelligent and while they don’t look like us it would not surprise me if they could talk and understand each other!

    • Photo: Valeria Senigaglia

      Valeria Senigaglia answered on 18 Jun 2012:

      Well dolphins are mammals so in that sense they are similar to us because we are mammals as well. They show personality, so consistent behavioural differences among individuals. Some dolphins species also show group behavioural differences that are shown also in their communication system. Killer whales and Sperm whales for example have dialects that are different according to their group of membership.
      They have the most complex brain with apes and human in the entire animal kingdom and they can recognize themselves in the mirror so they have a conscious about themselves (that is a pretty big deal).
      It looks like they also use particular calls as personal names but the study that proved this is controversial.
      I think they are remarkably similar to us especially considering they are evolutionary speaking quite far from human, that is one of the reason why I found them so amazing!
