• Question: does any animal like to eat trees? why? how do they eat the tree?

    Asked by livgn1029 to Jo, Kevin, Valeria on 21 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Kevin Mahon

      Kevin Mahon answered on 21 Jun 2012:

      Yes, they do! Termites are a good example!They literally chew though it, using a special enzyme to digest the tough cellulouse in the plant cell walls.

      Other animals, like grey squirrels, eat trees to get the nutritious sap – they do this by using their nuscular arms and sharp teeth!

    • Photo: Joanna Cruden

      Joanna Cruden answered on 21 Jun 2012:

      Lots of animals eat the bark of trees including goats, horses to get nutrients from, termites eat the most though! Trees are more tasty than they look!
